R5 World Rugby Approved

FAQs - Rugby

Who are Hedkayse?

Hedkayse was started in 2015 with crowdfunding to build the safest cycling helmet that you could put in your bag. Since then, Tony, Andy and their friends have invested over £2 million in the material research to develop Enkayse® into this unique foam, which, in independent tests, has been proven to be very resilient to impact force at ambient and, far more importantly, body temperature to mitigate impacts to the head and body.

How did you design the headguards?

George Fox led team of engineers and designers which worked alongside scientists, doctors, players, coaches, referees and concussion experts.

What is the difference between the R5 and the R1?

The R5 headguard is World Rugby approved and can be used in match play for rugby union and other sports. 
The R1 exceeds World Rugby Safety standards and is only permitted for training in rugby union. The R1 may be used for other sports such as rugby league, flag football and AFL.

Are we allowed to wear them in games - rugby union?

You may wear an R5 in rugby union match play.

Are there different sizes?

Yes 5 sizes = Youth/ Youth L/ Youth XL/ Adult/ Adult L

Can I change my mind on size after I receive my headguard?

Yes, please contact us at info@hedkayse.com to arrange an exchange

How do I make a return?

You can find information on how to make a return here

Do they come in different colours?

Yes - Club/School purchases of 15+ units can be made in choice of tape and logo colours. 

Why is body temperature important?

They are worn on the head and will always be at body temperature, so they need to work at body temperature.
Enkayse® has excellent temperature stability and performance at body temperature. All other foams and plastics become squishy and lose their efficacy at body temperature which means a reduction in their performance. 
Always check whether the published data was tested at body temperature or ambient!

Are Hedkayse headguards really better than anything else?

We have a unique material called Enkayse® in Hedkayse headguards which provides unrivalled levels of performance, particularly at body temperature.
The Hedkayse R5 also offers the best coverage of the head (no lacing or weak spots)  See here for more info.

How long will they last?

Unless you need a new one because you grow, this has been tested to provide a minimum of 3 years of performance (168 hits according to WR standard) 

Can they be washed?

Yes - they are machine washable (30 degrees) 
Hedkayse headguards also it have anti-bac properties making them a very hygienic option. 

What is a CE mark / UKCA mark and is Hedkayse marked?

CE & UKCA marking is a conformity process, in this case for PPE products, sold within the European Economic Area (EEA) since 1985.
CE marking is a manufacturer's declaration that a product meets requirements of applicable EC directives. It is illegal to place any protective headgear on sale in the EEA without the relevant certification.

The Hedkayse R5 is approved according to WR regulation 12 officially tested at the accredited test house of World Rugby Critt Sport Loisirs.

Will this technology prevent concussion?

No headguard can promise to prevent concussion, there are too many variables involved. 
Enkayse® mitigates against direct linear impacts better than any other headguard foam available.

For any further questions please contact us here